Arrested for Theft in NY?
Theft is often considered to be synonymous with larceny. Larceny is a nonviolent offense and involves illegally removing property from the owners (home, auto, etc..). This includes purse-snatching, shoplifting, embezzlement, identity and credit card fraud and much more. If you or a family member has been arrested for theft, offenses range from felony to misdemeanor and include several types of petty crimes.
The following are common types of property crimes:
- Burglary
- Grand-theft-auto and motor vehicle crimes
- Larceny
- Arson
- Vandalism
- Shoplifting
Even if force is not used and property is taken (i.e. car door is unlocked and property is taken), a person can be charged with with felony, misdemeanor or petty criminal offenses. In the United States, if you steal property worth more than a $200 it is considered grand larceny. Each state has different laws and statutes. Check with your defense attorney to find out what is considered felony grand larceny in New York and what would be classified as a misdemeanor or petty offense.
New York Penal Codes Article 165 describe all of the various penal codes and here are a few:
- Auto stripping
- Unlawful use of a credit card, debit card or welfare, Medicaid or other public benefit
- Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in the first, second or third degree
- Jostling
- Criminal possession of stolen goods – first, second, third, fourth and fifth degree
- Stealing services
- Identity and credit card fraud and much more
If you dont understand charges against you, seek the legal advice of a professional, whether it is 1rst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th degree charges, you do need a lawyer that knows New York state laws, has experience defending cases like yours and and will take the time to explain case details to you.
The penalties for these types of crimes vary, depending on the specific details of your case as well as state laws.