Lisa Pelosi: I think it’s fair to say, and I think most people would agree that it depends on the prosecutor. Some have an attitude that winning is all that’s important, and the others are, I think, have more understanding of what I believe their role is. They believe they try to do the right thing, and look for alternatives to try to help people. Sometimes the prosecutors overreach and other times they’re reasonable.
When I was a prosecutor, I was very aware of how much power I’ve had. In my case, I feel like I did have a good understanding of how my decisions were going to affect people’s lives. I don’t think all prosecutors are like that, but many of them are.
Why Is It Important that the Attorney Be Familiar with the Judges and Prosecutors?
Interviewer: Are there courts that you appear in regularly to the point where you know the judges and the prosecutors, and how they tend to react?
Lisa Pelosi: Yes. Having been in the system so long, we know who’s been doing it for so many years. Many of the judges are former colleagues of mine from the prosecutor’s office. Many were my bosses when I was a prosecutor. Many I just have gotten to know over the years, because I’m in the courthouse everyday.
I also feel that I’m respected when I go outside the city, because people do know my background. I think I do well with meeting new judges, because I tell them who I am and what I’ve done. I do feel like I have respect outside the city as well.
An Attorney’s Good Reputation Benefits a Client
Interviewer: How do you think this helps you help your client because you’re been practicing for so long?
Judges and Prosecutors Afford Respect to an Attorney Who Has Built a Good Professional Reputation
Lisa Pelosi: I know that the parties that are making decisions can either help or hurt a client. If you hire an attorney who has a bad reputation with the judges and the prosecutor, that’s certainly not going to help your case. I’m confident that I have a good reputation among the defense core and with the prosecutors and with the judges.
I always show up on time. I always file my motions on time. There are no complaints about me. If someone were to hire me, they not only get the benefit of an attorney who is familiar with the parties and they get an attorney who has a good reputation among prosecutors and the judges as well.