Interviewer: Have you seen an increase in domestic violence cases over the years or how has it changed?

Lisa Pelosi: The police departments have made an effort to take these cases very seriously because historically the police departments didn’t really even respond to domestic violence type cases. Now there is an increase in arrests with domestic violence cases because the police departments have taken a serious approach to arresting people, at least in these types of cases. Yes, there is an increase and most importantly often times matters that should be dealt with within a family turn into serious criminal cases.

There Is No Typical Profile for a Person Accused of Domestic Violence

Interviewer: Is there a typical age for the accused or the alleged victim?

Lisa Pelosi: Well actually there is no age, there’s a big span between young people right up to elderly people. I don’t think there’s a profile via age as to who’s committing these crimes. I should say who’s accused of these crimes.

An Allegation of Domestic Violence is Sufficient to Have an Individual Arrested

Interviewer: What evidence is needed to prosecute a domestic violence case?

Lisa Pelosi: Well, the way the cases are worked that once an allegation is made all you need is an allegation and often times someone is arrested based on an allegation. Sometimes these cases take place where there’s a divorce going on or some emotional aspect in a relationship and police get called in, and someone who probably shouldn’t be arrested is arrested.

Domestic Battery and Family Violence Are Similar to Domestic Violence Charges

Interviewer: When I hear the terms domestic battery and family violence are those along the same lines of domestic violence, just the terminology of it?

Lisa Pelosi: Yeah, they’re similar. They’re called domestic violence really because when people have relationships, long-term relationships, or boyfriend-girlfriend relationships, the emotion that goes along with that heightens the situation and often times causes crimes to be committed that normally wouldn’t be committed. Often times people who know each other most unfortunately get themselves into situations where they know they’ve made a mistake, and they’re with the wrong person and they try to break off the relationship and that heightens the level of anxiety and often times increases violence.

In New York, Prosecutor’s Offices Have Instituted Specialized Bureaus to Deal with Domestic Violence

That’s why prosecutor’s offices have carved out specialized bureaus that deal with domestic violence because people do know each other and often times people who are in relationships that are, unfortunately, violent even though they call the police one day the next day they want to get back with the person. Sometimes it takes the prosecutor’s office to get more involved than they would in the case then if it was just a normal assault case between parties that don’t know each other or don’t share a close relationship.