Arrested for Molestation in NY? Find
Arrested for molestation in NY? Find a New York criminal defense attorney that is skilled and experienced with child molestation allegations and sex offenses. Lisa Pelosi is a former prosecutor experienced with child molestation and sex crimes of all types. Criminal defense of child molestation requires knowledge of both child sexual abusers and of people who make false allegations.
Your attorney can:
- Do a careful, intensive investigation (aggressively looking into false or malicious allegations)
- Plan an aggressive and vigorous defense strategy
The approach will depend on the stage at which we become involved in your case. What we need to know:
- What charges have been filed?
- What statements have been made by the client?
- Has the victim had an examination by a doctor?
- What is the age of the child?
Some people report molestation charges our of revenge or to hurt another person…
Reasons people make false allegations…
- Malicious people can accuse a person of child molestation allegations to get back at that person.
- Sometimes people going through divorce and custody battles will make false charges so they can make sure their ex is not able to have visitation or worse be sent to jail, if they are convicted.
- We have seen a child or teenager accuse a parent, step-parent or other adult of molestation out of anger.
- Professionals such as teachers, doctors, therapists or investigators could make unintentional mistakes that lead to charges.
- People who are untrained or unskilled in interviewing a child sometimes unintentionally make false and incorrect reports.
An experienced and skilled child molestation attorney will make sure police, social service agencies were objective and professional in gathering the facts before reaching conclusions.
A child molestation attorney who will aggressively fight to protect your rights.
What is the molestation of children?
Child molestation charges can include:
- fondling or touching
- exposing adult genitals to a child
- showing pornography or sexually explicit movies/magazines/photos to a child
- sexual activity such as vaginal or anal intercourse or oral contact with the genitals
- deviant sexual activity (includes such sexual activities as sadomasochism, bondage, etc…)
Child molesters can use many methods such as:
- Grooming, coaxing and talking the child into sexual activity
- Forcing, intimidating or threatening the child (threatening to hurt the child or others close to the child) into sexual activity
Child molesters most often “groom” and manipulate child victims into complying with sexual activity. This is done by giving the child all sorts of things like gifts and being very attentive and affectionate. Some people do this to the parents to gain their trust giving them “access” to the child.
Adapted from Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis. Copyright © 2001 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved.
Child molesters fall into three categories:
The pedophile
Very difficult to treat this type of offender and must have very specialized treatment.
The situational pedophile
This person is thought to molest a child because they are inappropriately responding to a particular situation. Treatment for this type of offender is much more successful with professional counseling and treatment.
The misguided molester
Many “misguided” molesters were sexually abused as children and raised in a culture where sexual activity with children was considered “normal” and acceptable. Others have trouble with boundaries and cannot understand the difference between loving and sexual relationships. Professionals can help these people through education and counseling.
Arrested for molestation? Contact us now for a free consult/