by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer
Interviewer: Do the police tend to ask questions that elicit incriminating answers before they read the Miranda Rights? Lisa Pelosi: The police are very careful in how they use the Miranda in that they draw a distinction between someone naturally replying to...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Interviewer: Is it possible to ever talk your way out of an arrest? Do most people end up just telling too much to the police? Other Than Basic Information, Anything You Say to the Police Will Be Used against You Lisa Pelosi: I’ve had clients who are...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
Interviewer:What are the police and prosecutors trying to accomplish by overcharging people? Charges for High-Level Crimes Look Good on Paper for the Departments, Even When They Could Not Be Sustained during a Trial Lisa Pelosi: My opinion in that area is that it...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Interviewer: What are the basic potential punishments for felonies and misdemeanors and when is the level of the crime decided? The Prosecutor That First Views the Case Makes an Initial Determination of the Level of the Charge Lisa Pelosi: When the case comes in the...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Interviewer: If someone has a first time offense, is there a look back period so if they go to court on a new offense it will be looked at as the first time instead of a repeat offense or second offense? The Amount of Time That Has Elapsed between Offenses Is a...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Interviewer: How about the courts themselves? Is there such a thing as the mercy of the court? Lisa Pelosi: Some judges have bigger hearts than others. The power really in the court system is with the prosecutor’s office. Oftentimes, someone’s history will...