by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
Interviewer: How fast or how slow is the criminal justice system? How long does it take to resolve a case typically? It is Important to Remember That Each Case Is Unique Lisa Pelosi: It all really depends on the case. It could be anywhere from a month or to...
by pelblair | Sep 8, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
Protections Under the U.S. Constitution A defendant has the right to: Remain Silent Competent Counsel Confront His/Her Accuser Be Free of Cruel and Unusual Punishment A defendant also has rights as described below in the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments....
by pelblair | Sep 8, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer
Tips on How to Find A Lawyer Here are some tips to help you choose the best lawyer to handle your case. Find a lawyer who: offers free consultations and resources. will work with you on price or offer a flat-fee rate. gives you and your family their full attention and...
by Criminal Attorney Resources | Dec 2, 2013 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Need a Criminal Lawyer? Arrested for fraud or financial crimes, such as bank or check fraud (writing bad checks), credit card fraud or identity theft, forgery, tax or loan fraud? The following information is designed to help individuals and businesses facing financial...
by Criminal Attorney Resources | Dec 2, 2013 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Need a Juvenile Criminal Lawyer? Need a lawyer for juvenile court to represent your minor child in criminal court and fight to keep his or her criminal record clean? Skilled attorneys for teenagers and children can also help get a juvenile criminal record sealed or...
by Criminal Attorney Resources | Dec 2, 2013 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
The Preliminary Hearing Process The preliminary hearing is when the judge decides if there is probable cause to make you stand trial for the crime in which you are charged. Also referred to as preliminary examination or probable cause hearing, this is when the judge...