by criminaldefense | May 12, 2016 | arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
For decades, both the federal government and individual states have been waging a war against drugs. New York State is no different. New York has a wide array of drug crimes, the penalties for which yield harsh consequences. All drug charges, including minor drug...
by Criminal Defense | Oct 10, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
NY Drug Arrest Leads to Stiff Sentencing for “Breaking Bad” Drug Conviction There is no substitute for an experienced criminal defense attorney when you face serious charges. An effective case strategy makes all the difference in the outcome of a...
by Criminal Defense | Sep 25, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Time Frame for Resolution of a Criminal Case In New York
by Criminal Defense | Sep 25, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Finding A Good Criminal Defense Attorney in NYC and New York | Free consult 24 hours (917) 670-7063
by pelblair | Sep 10, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
Interviewer: Do you see more alcohol-related or do you see more drug-related whether it’s illegal or prescription-based? Lisa Pelosi: Definitely more alcohol than drug-related. Sometimes what appears to be drug-related gets taken as alcohol-related and in those cases...
by pelblair | Sep 10, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony, misdemeanor
Interviewer: What aspects should they be looking for in an attorney to handle a Domestic Violence Case? Lisa Pelosi: With domestic violence cases you really want to hire someone who has experience with these cases because there’s a level of sensibility that you want...