by Criminal Defense | Sep 25, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Time Frame for Resolution of a Criminal Case In New York
by Criminal Defense | Sep 25, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, dui dwi, felony, misdemeanor, theft
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by pelblair | Sep 10, 2015 | arrested, criminal defense lawyer, misdemeanor, theft
Interviewer: Do they usually confront the person or do they let the person go and they’ll notify them through like a letter in the mail because they saw something on the camera later on? How does that typically work? Lisa Pelosi: Mostly, stores have security guards...
by pelblair | Sep 10, 2015 | arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony, misdemeanor, theft
Interviewer: Are there any kinds of thefts that people are generally unaware of ? What sorts of theft that people are really hearing a lot of these days or are rare but are still existing? Lisa Pelosi: I think what’s going on now, what I see and a lot of people are...
by pelblair | Sep 10, 2015 | arrested, criminal defense lawyer, misdemeanor, theft
Interviewer: What would you say are some of the top misconceptions they may have when they speak to you about a petty theft charge? Lisa Pelosi: I think a lot of times, if it doesn’t invite the law of violence, they think that it’s not serious but in fact, it is...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony, theft
Interviewer: Would theft by extortion refer to like something along the lines of blackmail? Lisa Pelosi: Yes, definitely. We have people who are arrested for cases where perhaps somebody’s not a citizen of the United States and someone says, “If you don’t pay me a...