DUI Probation and Fines

Find DWI, DUI probation and fines here. What factors influence the sentence for a driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated?

  • Was this the first or repeat offense?
  • Was anyone injured as a result?
  • Was a child endangered or hurt?

As with other crimes the sentences can vary quite a bit depending on these factors, but the typical sentence will include fines and possibly some jail time. The courts might also impose any of the following as well:

  • lose your license or statutory summary suspension
  • mandated drug or alcohol treatment program

Some of the recent sentences or punishments for someone convicted of a DUI or drunk driving include:

  • restricted drivers license (only allowed to drive to work)
  • performing community service
  • installing a certified interlock device in your car, which is a breath test device which does not allow the car to be started if alcohol is detected
  • requiring a convicted of DUI bumper sticker be placed on the car

DWI and DUI Probation

People sentenced to probation (regardless of the crime) are required to follow a number of conditions. Here are some common probation conditions that may be imposed for a DWI or DUI:

  • follow all court orders (you may be required to pay a fine or restitution)
  • check in with your probation officer as required
  • do not break any law including petty offenses such as littering
  • avoid the use of any drugs and excessive drinking of alcohol
  • report any change of address or employment to your probation officer
  • get the probation officers permission to travel outside the jurisdiction

If you are sentenced to probation it does not mean you will avoid jail time. More often than not a DUI and probation means a certain amount of jail time, which the judge suspends or puts on hold and lets a defendant serve the remaining part of the sentence on probation.If you violate any conditions of probation the suspension is removed and you may have to serve out the rest of your sentence in jail.

DUI Probation Fines

Driving while Impaired Fines (Amounts as of 2010 – may be different at present time

  • First Offense: $300-$500
  • Second Offense Within Five Years:$500 – $750
  • Third/Subsequent Offenses Within Ten Years: $750 – $1,500

DUI Probation Penalties

  • First Offense: Up to 15 days
  • Second Offense Within Five Years:Up to 30 days.
  • Third/Subsequent Offenses Within Ten Years: Up to 180 days in prison.

*** Check with an attorney for updated information in case this has changed

DWI Driving while Intoxicated Fines

  • First Offense:$500 – $1,000
  • Second Offense (Within 10 Years) $1,000 – $5,000
  • Third Offense (Within 10 Years) $2,000 – $10,000

DWI Penalties

  • First Offense: Up to One Year
  • Second Offense Within 10 Years: Punishable as a Class E Felony Up to Four Years
  • Third Offense Within 10 Years:Punishable as a Class D Felony Up to Seven Years

We hope this DWI DUI Probation and Fines Information is helpful.