Have you been charged with a DUI in New York? Your best option, if not your only real option, is to fight back and hire a criminal defense attorney. Why? If you do not fight back and plead guilty, you will be found guilty! Don’t think that’s a big deal? Then, we invite you to keep reading.

What Happens If You Have A DUI Conviction?

  • A hike in your car insurance rates.
  • Fines that can add up to thousands of dollars.
  • The possibility of your license being suspended.
  • Possible jail time that can range from days to years.

Your pain and suffering won’t end there, either. Even after years of punishments, your DUI conviction will remain on your record, where any bank officer, potential employer, or nosy neighbor can find it for at least ten years.

You Can Fight Back.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. With the help of the right criminal defense attorney in New York, one who is experienced and aggressive, you may be able either to reduce your charges or even win your case altogether.

Remember, being accused of a DUI doesn’t mean you’re automatically guilty. For you to be actually convicted of the crime, the state of New York must prove their case against you in court. A lawyer by your side can make all the difference in the courtroom, just like with any other trial.

If you were recently accused of a DUI, call Lisa Pelosi today, and let her stand by your side and defend your rights.