Lisa Pelosi: Miranda warnings almost never will be cause to have your case dismissed. However, there’s, there’s a lot of different ways that cases can get dismissed.
- If I do some creative work with the prosecutor, we can get a case dismissed.
- If we substitute some good community service, we can get some cases dismissed at times.
Also depending upon the lack of work on a case by the prosecutor’s office. If they miss certain deadlines with filing certain things, we can make motions to get a case dismissed. Also, if we’re aware that a complaining witness is not coming forward, we can drag the case out, and let time go by and file certain motions to try to get the case dismissed. There are a lot of different avenues to get a case dismissed and it is super important to hire an attorney, that really and truly knows all the angles to get cases dismissed.
The Importance Of Retaining Legal Counsel To Defend a Criminal Charge
Interviewer: Anything else you want people to know about drug crimes and hiring an attorney for that?
Lisa Pelosi: No matter what type of case you’re arrested. Whether you did it or not, it’s so important for you to hire, an attorney who has experience or if you can’t afford an attorney to work with a lawyer that appointed to you, to not rush a case just because you don’t feel like going to court. I work so hard at keeping cases going, if I think that if we keep pushing the prosecutor, that our result will be better. I like to resolve matters quickly, but for myself and more importantly, for the client and the clients family. However, sometimes quick fixes are not the best answer. So, hire an attorney that’s willing to go for the extra mile for you. Hire an attorney that won’t accept what the prosecutor is saying to them. If they know, that they can get a better deal, you want your lawyer to keep pushing and pushing.
Sometimes a Hasty Resolution Is Not in the Best Interests of the Client
Because, the lawyer knows full well, that a quick fix is not necessarily in your best interest, Because they know and that down the line, 20 years from now, 10 years from now, you’re going to be applying for a job, and 10 years from now, 5 years from now say, I should have hired a better attorney. The time that you’re arrested, is the time for you to lawyer up, and, and get a good attorney and fight the case whether you did the crime, or did not do the crime, or you did something but you didn’t do what the prosecutor says you did.