by pelblair | Sep 10, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
Interviewer: Have you seen an increase in domestic violence cases over the years or how has it changed? Lisa Pelosi: The police departments have made an effort to take these cases very seriously because historically the police departments didn’t really even respond to...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony, misdemeanor
Interviewer: What are some of the top misconceptions have about probation and probation violation? Lisa Pelosi: The biggest misconception about someone wanting to be on probation is that they genuinely do not understand the serious commitment that they’re making and...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
Interviewer: Is there a particular amount in order for someone to have that misdemeanor in order but it was upgraded to a felony. Is that what’s it’s about, like the amount? Lisa Pelosi: Yes. It’s the amount and other factors as well, for example recently I have a...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
Interviewer: How long will a criminal drug case typically last. Lisa Pelosi: It depends. If it’s a misdemeanor which in New York is a lesser offense or a felony which is a more serious offense. However, the felonies are in Supreme Court, your case could last as short...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony, misdemeanor
Interviewer: Would you say it’s crucial for a client to disclose all sorts of information in regards to their background to their attorney? Lisa Pelosi: I don’t like to have conversations with the prosecutor and be told something’s from the prosecutor that my client...
by pelblair | Sep 9, 2015 | abogado de defensa criminal, arrested, criminal defense lawyer, felony
Interviewer: Are there any examples of ways that you can or cannot get cases dismissed, when it comes to drugs? Lisa Pelosi: Miranda warnings almost never will be cause to have your case dismissed. However, there’s, there’s a lot of different ways that cases can get...